free resources

Here you will find FREE resources to help you eat well, live well, and achieve your health goals. 

"Nourishing You" eBook

This FREE 20-page eBook is designed to give you the tools to achieve your health goals in straightforward language. You'll learn how to set realistic and achievable goals, how your kitchen should be set up, and what real health looks like. If you want to lose weight, this book will help you do that and you don't need to weigh anything!

FREE eBook on how to lose weight and eat well

weekly menu planner

Our FREE menu planner uniquely incorporates sections geared toward your commitments and a shopping list. By planning your commitments first, you can make a realistic plan of what to cook based on the time you have. Menu planning is our number one tool to successfully achieve health goals and make sure we treat food as a priority. 

Free menu planner